Azure SQL is the best data source for Power BI reports.
But it is very irritating if you can unable to connect it and find some unknown error.
So to fix it follow below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Clear the stored credential inside the Power BI.
Open Power BI > File> Options and Setting >Data Source Setting > select data source (azure SQL) > Clear permission > Clear all permission> close
>select database for credentials>user name > password and click ok
All Done!
Now you will not get error make sure your SQL azure server looks like this and provide optional DB
But it is very irritating if you can unable to connect it and find some unknown error.
So to fix it follow below-mentioned steps:
Step 1: Clear the stored credential inside the Power BI.
Open Power BI > File> Options and Setting >Data Source Setting > select data source (azure SQL) > Clear permission > Clear all permission> close
Step 2 : Loging again to azure sql
Get data> SQL database> Provide AzureSQL server( > provide option database>
>select database for credentials>user name > password and click ok
All Done!
Now you will not get error make sure your SQL azure server looks like this and provide optional DB