
Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Optimizing performance of Power BI report

Power BI optimized for handling large data set .
But when you open your report it takes time to load visuals and numbers. Apply below tips for quick report optimization and hence increase the report performance.

  • Remove unwanted tables, columns and filter down rows
One of the best and quickest ways to reduce the pbix file is to remove any unused fields.
How: Click Edit Query > then select the table you want to remove the fields from > Click Choose Columns


  • Optimize data type of columns
    • Use integers instead of strings, where possible.→ most of the time we use text column which actually represents a number that will consume all of your RAM in no time. 
      Avoid fields with unnecessary precision and high cardinality→ use rounding on high-precision fields to lower decimal – (like this, 12.49799 -> 12.5).
      → split highly unique datetime values into separate columns – for example, reduce datetime values by splitting the date and time into separate columns or change datetime to date if time is not required

      • Use a star schema when designating table relationships
      Star schema improve query and aggregation performance.

      This consists of a central fact table (i.e. transactions) encircled by dimension (i.e. master) tables. Fact tables will normally include many transactions and have a date/time component.
      Dimension tables normally possess fewer rows and contain (generally descriptive) attributes about the transactions.

      Saturday, 29 April 2017

      Error Connecting Power BI to Azure SQL

      Azure SQL is the best data source for Power BI reports.
      But it is very irritating if you can unable to connect it and find some unknown error.
      So to fix it follow below-mentioned steps:

      Step 1: Clear the stored credential inside the Power BI.
      Open Power BI > File> Options and Setting >Data Source Setting > select data source (azure SQL)  >  Clear permission > Clear all permission> close

      Step 2Loging again to azure sql 
      Get data> SQL database> Provide AzureSQL server( > provide option database>

      >select database for credentials>user name > password and click ok

      All Done!

      Now you will not get error make sure your SQL azure server looks like this  and provide optional DB

      Wednesday, 6 July 2016

      PowerBI Desktop Query Editior Tips – Listing all functions of M Code

      Open a Blank query and in formula bar write = #shared and hit enter to list all M code function used in power query, click on function name for more detail about M code function.
      Steps: Open PowerBI Desktop –  Edit Query – From Other Source – Blank Query – Formula bar – write = #shared  – hit enter